Millennial Death Lust
The kids are alright
We Like New Music
People these days too often seem to write off new music as somehow inferior to whatever it is they listened to in high school, as though whatever the soundtrack to their youth was represents the pinacle of all music.
In a sense, that's kind of true. Music is always getting better, and the soundtrack to moments that were milestones as you approached adulthood will undoubtedly leave a mark and influence your taste moving forward, but just because your taste might crystalize, tht doesn't mean that music stops gettting better.
It's our sincere belief that the greatest music ever being made is being made right now, just like it was being made when we were growing up, and just like it will continue being made as future generations come and go.
Our only hope is that we might get the chance to listen to it, and share it with you in this space.